Shalya Tantra


1) KSHARA SUTRA Kshara sutra is a medicated thread prepared by repeated coatings of Snuhi ksheera (latex of Euphorbia Nerifolia).Apamarga kshara(Achyranthes aspera) and Haridra powder over a surgical linen thread no. 20 

2) KSHARAKARMA Kshara is composed of alkali/caustic whose pH value is more than 7. Chemically Kshara is usually composed of Sodium or Potassium compounds like Sodium or Potassium carbonate/bicarbonate/Chloride/sulphate etc Indications for external application (pratisarana) of kshara: Arsha(Piles), Bhagandhara(Fistula-in-ano), Dustavrana(chronic ulcer), Kusta( Skin Diseases), kilasa(Vitiligo), , Arbuda(tumours), Naadi(Sinus), Charmakeela(Warts), Tilakalaka(moles), Bahyavidradhi(external abscess) etc Indications for internal use (paneeya) of kshara : Arsha, Gulma, Arbuda, Udara, etc

3) Jalaukavacharana ➢Indications- Varicose veins, Thrombo phlebitis, Acute gout attack ,Cellulitis , glaucoma, high blood pressure ,Non healing Ulcer, Eczema, psoriasis, osteo-arthritis , acute inflammation, abscess, boils, in  ➢Leeches are useful in removing the blood from areas where tissue has been transplanted or reattached.

4) SIRAVYADHA: Siravyadha is highly beneficial in diseases lile Vata rakta (gout), Kustha (leprosy and other skin diseases), Vata diseases having severe pain, Slipada(filariasis), blood vitiated by poisons, Granthi (tumours), Arbuda(malignant tumor), Apachi (goiter), Yakrit Pleeha (diseases of liver and spleen), Visarpa(erysepelas), Vidradhi (abscess), ShiroRuja (headache) ,Eye diseases like Glaucoma, Inflammatory disorders of eye lids .

5) AGNIKARMA The treatment given by agni is called agni karma (cautery). INDICATIONS OF AGNIKARMA: Cauterization can be performed in case of intense pain in skin, muscle, blood vessel, ligament, joint and bone, wound with raised, hard and numbed granulation; in piles, tumors, fistula-in-ano, scrofula, elephantiasis, wart, mole, inguinal hernia, sinus, external. hemorrhage etc. Swift pain reliever, arrest Bleeding, relieves stiffness.

6) DHUPANA Indications – Oozing Non Healing Ulcers , Diabetic Ulcer, Bed sores, Gummatous Ulcer, Varicose Ulcer Benefits – It reduces discharge , Foul smell, promotes granulation tissue formation, keeps wound sterile, Bactericidal , Fungicidal, easily done at OPD level , cost effective, helps in wound healing.

7) Probing ( Eshana Karma) A silver probe is introduced through External opening in Fistula/ Sinus to know the tract and it is taken out through other/internal opening. The probe will have an eye which is used to apply thread.